Today has been interesting. I had a restless night of sleep. We walked over 20 miles yesterday, with achey feet, chafing blisters, and no shade. I know our pictures are full of beauty and fun, but we plodded into town after 5pm, very tired and hurting.
I pulled off my shoe, and my least offensive blister had doubled in size to a little over a quarter-sized “growth” on the side of my heel. Gross! We struggled to have the energy to shower, but managed to get it done. Sweaty clothes had to wait to get washed, however. We just didn’t have it in us.
By the time we had taken a short rest, it was time to head down to dinner. We had a sweet time with one of our old pilgrim friends from the second day. She was so sweet and it is fun to come across others on the way that we haven’t seen in awhile. She was a bright spot in my “cloudy” space. After dinner we went straight to bed. Our alarm was set for 5:30am, because we had a similar day, minus 3km, planned for today.
When the alarm woke us up, I had to share with Theressa that I thought we needed a rest.
I immediately felt shame, and wanted to change my mind.
Why do I feel badly for speaking up when I know what I need? I had to coach myself through the emotions that threatened to spew all around. Thankfully, we survived myself.
I feel like it was perhaps as hard to say I needed a break as it would have been to walk the 19 miles.
But this is the journey of El Camino. It is a journey of grace and trust, patience and learning, strength and humility, and more. It surpasses the simplicity of grit gained after a hard race. Life is more, if I can remain open to receive it.
Buen Camino